
2016 plannage

Torres del Paine

Goals for 2016?
  1. Reduce weight and percentage body fat to where it was of May 2014, where I'd just got in shape for the annual Fred Whitton ride. I'm putting my name into the lottery for that again, which would provide extra motivation. Strategy: eat less, do more work on the bike.
  2. Try and avoid visits to the Bristol Royal Infirmary for any reason. This essentially means "don't overdo things, be it on-road climbs or off-road descents". I believe the family will be happy here. Note the implied the conflict with goal #1. Ideally both goals could be achieved —but failure of both is also possible.
  3. Make some progress on distributed testing. There's surprisingly little literature here.
I'll start on #3 by catching up with those few bits of published literature, as well as playing with things like Spock and JUnit Lambda, then delving into the test runners and reporters. I'm starting to explore some of this with Slider and some corners of Spark that I've been involved in.

Links to work in the area welcome...

[photo: Torres del Paine, Xmas, 1994. Windy, as I recall]